
Transforming Cities. Wolfsburg on the way to the intelligent supply network of the future

Decentralised energy world requires sustainable solutions

First major rollout for remotely readable district heating meters already started

Wolfsburg.Digital our Labor for the digitalization

In Wolfsburg, LSW Holding with its subsidiaries LSW Netz and LSW Energie is responsible for a reliable, future-oriented supply of electricity, gas, water and district heating. By investing in digital meters and setting up a comprehensive LoRaWAN gateway infrastructure for Wolfsburg, the companies are making an important contribution to an efficient energy transition. In order to ensure the functionality of the technical solution and to test and further develop the interaction of the individual components, from heat meters to LoRaWAN gateways to data transmission, LSW, together with the municipal utilities and WOBCOM GmbH, have begun to set up a city-wide test landscape in Wolfsburg.

Our infrastructure in Wolfsburg

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